Braille Erotica
Male and Female are an exploration of alternative methods of communication. The pillows, representing each sex*, are festooned with “naughty words” for private parts. Yet they can be openly displayed without appearing vulgar. The sumptuous fabric invites anyone to explore with their hands, and the act of reading these words in a public setting gives the experience an unexpected edge.
The commercially-produced slip covers have been altered with buttons, thread, and extra fabric. The buttons are arranged in a clock-wise circular pattern of words “written” in basic braille letters. The words were intentionally selected to reflect positive and playful attitudes toward genitalia. Unfortunately, some really good ones were too long to include (panty hamster, for example).
*These pieces focus on a binary representation because that is my primary personal experience. There are other bodies and other perspectives. All bodies are beautiful.
Male (braille on slipcover)
Female (braille on slipcover)